Compare the severity of covid Omicron with other strains.


Compare the severity of covid Omicron with other strains.

Compare the severity of covid Omicron with other strains.

The professor's spokesperson compared the virulence and pathogenesis of the 'Omicron' strain to that of other strains. There is no preliminary information about the violence. While experts believe that vaccines can prevent severe symptoms

On December 1, 2021, Dr. Taweesin Witsanuyothin, spokesman for the Bank of Thailand, reported the latest information. On December 1, 27 countries were found infected with COVID-19. Omicron species as follows:

8 African countries: South Africa, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Zimbabwe.

13 European countries: England, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark, Switzerland, Turkey, Czech Republic, Portugal, Austria, Sweden and Spain.

America 1 country: Canada

4 Asian countries: Hong Kong, Israel, Singapore and Japan.

Australia 1 country is Australia

The Department of Disease Control reports the nature of the virus in comparison with the severity and incidence of the disease. in species that are of concern (Variants of Concern) Omicron (Omicron) B.1.1.529 as follows


Alpha, beta, gamma, and delta species are similar. The species cannot be identified based on symptoms alone.

Initially, no different Omicron species were found. Some reports indicate that muscle pain, weakness, loss of smell/taste which the symptoms are not severe But there have been reports of deaths occurring.

speed of epidemic

Alpha species (Alpha) 50 - 75% more than the original species.

Beta cultivars are 50% more than the original cultivars.

The gamma value (Gamma) was increased by 2.5 times from the original strain.

Delta species (delta) 60% increase over alpha species.

The Omicron strain is expected to increase. Because it quickly replaced the Delta in South Africa.

This means that one patient will infect others in a susceptible population. (reproduction number)

Alpha species (Alpha) 1.74

Beta species (beta) about 1.1

Species gamma (gamma) 2.6

Delta species (Delta) 5.08

Omicron species are expected to be higher than wild species. no evidence to support


Alpha species and Delta species (delta should increase

Added beta and gamma strains.

Omicron strain: No data available. Experts believe the vaccine can prevent severe symptoms.

incubation period

Alpha species average 5 - 6 days.

Beta species (Beta) average 5 - 6 days.

Gamma rays (Gamma) average 5 - 6 days.

Delta species average 4.3 days.

Omicron species (Omicron) No information available.

effect on immunity

Alpha species (Alpha) None - Very few.

medium beta

Medium gamma (Gamma) species

Intermediate Delta Varieties

The Omicron strain may evade immunity. found that there was a higher chance of re-infection

The effectiveness of the vaccine

Alpha species unspecified

Beta Strain (Beta) J&J 57 - 27% Novavax 40 - 60%

Strains Gamma (Gamma) Pfizer & Modernna 61%

Delta Strain (Delta) Pfizer 96% Astrazenica 92% (reduces hospital admissions)

Omicron species (Omicron) No information available.

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