Shingrix Vaccine For those aged 50 and over - Glove clinic

glove clinic, Bangkok

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Shingrix Vaccine For those aged 50 and over - Glove clinic

Package details

Shingles vaccine (Shingrix) 1 dose for those aged 50 and over

  • 1. See a doctor for consultation
  • 2. Get 1 dose of Shingles vaccine (Shingrix) Price 5,850 THB

Shingles vaccine, Shingrix type, 2 doses for those aged 50 and over

  • 1. See a doctor for consultation
  • 2. Get 2 doses of Shingles vaccine (Shingrix) Price 11,500 THB

Suitable for

  • 1. People aged over 50 years old have an increased chance of getting Shingles
  • 2. People aged over 50 years old, more than 90% have been infected with chickenpox, will be at increased risk of getting shingles
  • 3. People with chronic diseases such as diabetes, lung disease, kidney disease, including those who have been infected with Covid 19
  • 4. People with low immunity

Shingrix vaccine efficacy

  • 1. Prevents shingles by 97% and prevents pain
  • 2. Along the spinal nerve PHN by 91.2% in adults aged 50 and over
  • 3. Effectiveness in preventing shingles by 89% for 10 years

Vaccination interval

  • 1. Vaccination interval for those aged 50 and over: 2 injections, 2-6 months apart
  • 2. For those who have received a shingles vaccine before, you can get it (8 weeks apart)

Clinic information

  • Opening hours: Open daily from 10:00 AM to 7:00 PM, break from 1:00 PM to 2:00 PM (last appointment at 4:00 PM)
  • Map:  
  • Located at Asia Building, 11th floor, Room K, next to BTS Ratchathewi
  • Address: Asia Building, 294/1, Room K, 11th floor, Thanon Phaya Thai, Thanon Phetchaburi Subdistrict, Ratchathewi District, Bangkok (next to BTS Ratchathewi)
  • Traveling by BTS: BTS Blue Line, get off at Ratchathewi Station (Exit 3)

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Package Availability

Shingrix Vaccine for 1 dose - Glove clinic

Shingrix Vaccine for 2 doses - Glove clinic

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glove clinic Infomation

glove clinic
Glove provides sexual health services with a team of medical professionals with many years of experience in this field. We provide a full range of medical services, including general health screenings, testing for all types of STDs including HIV, as well as providing HIV treatment and prevention (PEP or PrEP). We also provide antiretroviral treatment for those living with HIV and provide vaccinations to prevent infections.


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