Food Intolerance Test 222 type Providing off-site services - Bangkok Wellness Medical Clinic
Package details
222 types of inspection items as follows
1. Agar Agar | 75. Cuttlefish | 149. Peppercorn: Black, White |
2. Alga Espaguette | 76. Date | 150. Peppermint |
3. Alga Spirulina | 77. Dill | 151. Perch |
4. Alga Wakame | 78. Duck | 152. Pike |
5. Almond | 79. Durum Wheat | 153. Pine Nut |
6. Aloe Vera | 80. Eel | 154. Pineapple |
7. Alpha-Lactalbumin | 81. Egg White | 155. Pistachio |
8. Amaranth | 82. Egg Yolk | 156. Plaice |
9. Anchovy | 83. Fennel-Leaf | 157. Plum |
10. Aniseed | 84. Fig | 158. Polenta |
11. Apple | 85. Flax Seed | 159. Pomegranate |
12. Apricot | 86. Garlic | 160. Pork |
13. Artichoke | 87. Ginger | 161. Potato |
14. Asparagus | 88. Ginkgo | 162. Quail |
15. Aubergine | 89. Ginseng | 163. Quinoa |
16. Avocado | 90. Gliadin | 164. Rabbit |
17. Banana | 91. Goat | 165. Radish |
18. Barley | 92. Grape: Black, Red, White | 166. Raisin |
19. Barnacle | 93. Grapefruit | 167. Rapeseed |
20. Basil | 94. Guava | 168. Raspberry |
21. Seabass | 95. Haddock | 169. Razor Clam |
22. Bayleaf | 96. Hake | 170. Redcurrant |
23. Broad Bean | 97. Hazelnut | 171. Rhubarb |
24. Green Bean | 98. Herring | 172. Rice |
25. Red Kidney Bean | 99. Honey | 173. Rocket |
26. White Haricot Bean | 100. Hops | 174. Rosemary |
27. Beef | 101. Horse | 175. Rye |
28. Beetroot | 102. Kiwi | 176. Saffron |
29. Beta-Lactoglobulin | 103. Lamb | 177. Sage |
30. Blackberry | 104. Leek | 178. Salmon |
31. Blackcurrant | 105. Lemon | 179. Sardine |
32. Blueberry | 106. Lentil | 180. Scallop |
33. Brazil Nut | 107. Lettuce | 181. Gilthead |
34. Broccoli | 108. Lime | 182. Sea Bream-Red |
35. Brussel Sprout | 109. Liquorice | 183. Sesame Seed |
36. Buckwheat | 110. Lobster | 184. Shallot |
37. Red Cabbage | 111. Lychee | 185. Shrimp/Prawn |
38. White Cabbage | 112. Macadamia Nut | 186. Sole |
39. Camomile | 113. Mackerel | 187. Soya Bean |
40. Cane Sugar | 114. Malt | 188. Spelt |
41. Caper | 115. Mango | 189. Spinach |
42. Carob | 116. Marjoram | 190. Squash: Butternut/Carnival |
43. Carp | 117. Marrow | 191. Squid |
44. Carrot | 118. Melon: Galia, Honeydew | 192. Strawberry |
45. Casein | 119. Buffalo Milk | 193. Sunflower Seed |
46. Cashew Nut | 120. Cow Milk | 194. Sweet Potato |
47. Cauliflower | 121. Goat Milk | 195. Swordfish |
48. Caviar | 122. Sheep Milk | 196. Tangerine |
49. Cayenne | 123. Millet | 197. Tapioca |
50. Celery | 124. Mint | 198. Tarragon |
51. Chard | 125. Monkfish | 199. Black Tea |
52. Cherry | 126. Mulberry | 200. Green Tea |
53. Chestnut | 127. Mushroom | 201. Thyme |
54. Chicken | 128. Mussel | 202. Tiger Nut |
55. Chickpea | 129. Mustard Seed | 203. Tomato |
56. Chicory | 130. Nectarine | 204. Transglutaminase |
57. Chili | 131. Nettle | 205. Trout |
58.Cinnamon | 132. Nutmeg | 206. Tuna |
59. Clam | 133. Oat | 207. Turbot |
60. Clove | 134. Octopus | 208. Turkey |
61. Cockle | 135. Olive | 209. Turnip |
62. Cocoa Bean | 136. Onion | 210. Vanilla |
63. Coconut | 137. Orange | 211. Veal |
64. Cod | 138. Ostrich | 212. Venison |
65. Coffee | 139. Ox | 213. Walnut |
66. Cola Nut | 140. Oyster | 214. Watercress |
67. Coriander-Leaf | 141. Papaya | 215. Watermelon |
68. Corn/Maize | 142. Parsley | 216. Wheat |
69. Couscous | 143. Partridge | 217. Wheat Bran |
70. Crab | 144. Pea | 218. Wild Boar |
71. Cranberry | 145. Peach | 219. Winkle |
72. Cucumber | 146. Peanut | 220. Baker’s yeast |
73. Cumin | 147. Pear | 221. Brewer’s yeast |
74. Mixed Spices | 148. Pepper: Green, Red, Yellow | 222. Yuca |
What does this price cover?
The cost of the 222-type latent food allergy test by blood test, home service, includes the following items:
- Doctor's fee
- Clinic service fee
- Report book and severe allergy card to carry with you
Service details
- The service takes approximately 30-60 minutes.
- The results will be known approximately 7-14 days after receiving the service.
- The recipient must visit a doctor and specialist twice.
- The first time, blood will be drawn for analysis in a special laboratory and an 8-system body scan using an EIS machine.
- The second time, listen to the analysis of the blood results and consult a doctor (no additional cost).
- If there are metal plates in the body or a heart balloon, the body scan will not be able to be performed.
Preparation before receiving the service
- Get enough rest for at least 6 hours before the test.
- Abstain from food and drinks for at least 8-10 hours before the test. You can have a small sip of water.
- Abstain from alcoholic beverages for at least 24 hours before the test.
- If you have a chronic disease or other health history, please bring the test results or a report from the doctor for diagnosis.
- You should wear clothes that are easy to draw blood at the crook of your arm.
Additional information for off-site testing
Fill in the details of the 222 types of latent food allergy testing service on-site in the additional information box as follows:
- Location where you want to receive the service or Location:
- Date you want to receive the service:
- Time you want to receive the service:
- Name-Surname of the service recipient:
- Mobile phone number:
- Date/Month/Year of Birth:
- Email:
** Or chat to inform the Gohospo admin for more information. **
Bangkok Wellness Medical Clinic information
- Open daily Monday - Sunday 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Last queue at 5:00 p.m.)
- 22/22 Ratchada-Ramintra Road Ramintra Subdistrict, Khan Na Yao District, Bangkok 10230
- Map
- Parking lot in front of the clinic